So this morning I reduced the Lupron to a 1/4 of what I was taking, and I started taking the estrogen patches which go on my stomach. Those are no biggie and are closest to the nicotine patch I can think of to describe. Except it's shooting a bunch of Woman-Juice into my system that should make me have at least 234 crying jags and 2 and a 1/2 rage sessions. Mark can't wait! Heh.
Next up is an Estrogen check on Wednesday to confirm my estrogen is rising nicely. The nicer it rises, the nicer my uterine lining thickens up in preparation for our blastocyst. The next 13 days are all about making my uterus nice and thick and attractive. I will spend the next two weeks switching the patches from 1 to 2, to 2 to 3 and 3 to 4 and 4 over and over a couple of times and then once they think it's good to go, well start drinking your water ladies, it'll be show time.
A little over two weeks until the big day. Crazy.