May 06, 2010

An email I sent to the nurse.

You can take the girl out of Microsoft but you can't take the Microsoft out of the girl....

To: Katie the Nurse
From: Me
Subject : Correction of a typo on the FET schedule

Hi Katie,

I wanted to let you (and the clinic) know of a pretty humorous typo on the FET schedule you sent me. I would suggest you have this updated! :-)

The typo:

On Day E8 -Endometrium Check - the instructions inform the patient to "begin Estrace 2 mg PER VAGINA".

*laughs* While I get a kick out of this, I'd hate for those double-vagina ladies to get an extra dose of estrogen.

(my name)

May 05, 2010


I chatted with the receptionist and we got our appointments scheduled!

SHG- May 14th @ 9:30

Trial Transfer - May 25th @ 3

She also said Mark and I would need to get a full blood panel once more, which is no big deal and I'm hoping they can fit that in with one of these appointments to minimize the scheduling impacts. I'm still nervous on how this is going to work with Jonah in tow, but I know we're going to

Funny, our trial transfer is with our "ex" doctor, Dr. O - so since we switched doctors at the beginning, this should be....uh....interesting to say the least.

"Hey there guys! Long time no see!" (inside he's thinking - what, I got you a kid out of the first one and you dump me?!)

"Hey great to see you. Wanna take a gander at my vag?" (inside I'm thinking - oh no, what the hell is he thinking??)

All will be well! As Tim Dunn says "Make it work!"

Period arrives!

Woke up this morning to the gift from our blood goddesses (got my period, mk?). Woo hoo! Time to schedule those diagnostic procedures! I called Katie this morning and left her a voicemail saying next Monday would be best so we shall see what she comes back with. It was neat logging into the 'Patient Portal' all over again and clicking the "Get your period?" link. Nice!

Next steps here we come!