August 21, 2010

CD3 - Day 2 of BCP

Can I get any more acronyms in there?

I don't know whether it's my period or day 2 of the Loestrin, but I've got a yucky monster headache that just won't go away. I feel mildly ickish and a bit detached. In other news, I had a hot shower which was wonderful!

The nurse called back and indeed my protocol will be what it is with 18 days on the BCP instead of 14. Oh well, I tried. Transfer date right now is set for September 29th! This could be plus a couple of days if they think my uterus needs a little more thickening. :-) I start the first injections on August 31.

I feel like a pro now. I'm gonna be able to inject myself and move on to fixing Jonah breakfast in the next minute. My little distraction from this process. :-)

August 20, 2010

CD2 - Baseline Ultrasound done

Nicely done uterus!

My uterus scored all A's today. No cysts, Weird Things or anything else blocking me from conceiving our next little one.

I've been given the green light to proceed with our cycle! WOOHOO BITCHES!

That being said, I start the birth control today and it is likely our transfer will be the end of September. I'm excited! Much to report:

-I had my list of questions and the nurse had some information to give and some to ask the doctor for later. She said in her several years working there, she's only seen one time that an embryo didn't survive the thawing. She said the clinic is incredibly picky about freezing embryos, and if they don't think the embryo is strong enough to thaw, they don't keep it. So the quality of our little embryo (I'll name it if it takes up home in my womb) is supposedly very high, which is always nice to hear.

Though, because I'm type A, I asked for the embryologist to pull up my records and call me so we could chat embryo grading. While in the long run, it doesn't really matter because the universe will choose whether or not that little one survives, I am curious into the embryo grading as compared to Jonah's embryo. More intrigued than worried. Funny!

I told her I get "batshitcrazy" on birth control pills and she said she would look into a shortened schedule, maybe by like 3 or 5 days which would be great. Right now they have me at 18 days, which is 4 more days than last time, so I know it's not a must have. We'll see if she gets me a shorter protocol today.

She confirmed our embryo arrived safely and was currently 'chilling' out in their lab. It's so funny to think that our potential child is sitting in another room so close to me. That could be a baby we hold in 10 months! WEIRD. (I also had a dream last night that Jonah had a little BROTHER!)

Once I have my new schedule, I'll update it below. So now it's just the waiting game, the roller coaster of emotions, the physical sensations of the insanity that is chemical imbalances of hormones. Ah, conception! I will foil you again!

With all my meds I also got my Big Ass Needles. They go straight into my butt with Mark holding the other end. These puppies are a force to be reckoned with.

Here's an example:

Son of a......


More updates once the chemicals have seeped in. I'll create another 'side effects' list on the side.

And so it begins....

Another reminder of Jonah as an embryo in the blastocyst stage:

August 19, 2010

CD1 - Period has arrived!

Lo and behold, the period has arrived!!!!

I have an appointment tomorrow morning at 10:45 for an ultrasound and blood work to check my estrogen level. Cycle Day 2 (CD2) tomorrow!

August 16, 2010

Our embryo has shipped!

I called this morning and our lone embryo will be taking flight this morning from Nevada to Seattle.

Welcome home little embryo! My uterus can't wait to meet you!

In other news, I've started spotting so I know my period will arrive any day. OMG, and so it will begin! AHHHHHHH!