August 21, 2010

CD3 - Day 2 of BCP

Can I get any more acronyms in there?

I don't know whether it's my period or day 2 of the Loestrin, but I've got a yucky monster headache that just won't go away. I feel mildly ickish and a bit detached. In other news, I had a hot shower which was wonderful!

The nurse called back and indeed my protocol will be what it is with 18 days on the BCP instead of 14. Oh well, I tried. Transfer date right now is set for September 29th! This could be plus a couple of days if they think my uterus needs a little more thickening. :-) I start the first injections on August 31.

I feel like a pro now. I'm gonna be able to inject myself and move on to fixing Jonah breakfast in the next minute. My little distraction from this process. :-)