I think my biggest fear is how I will react on all of these hormones and how that reaction will affect my family. I know the hormones the first time around literally made me bat-shit crazy. I cried almost every day, had crazy side effects like eye twitching, hot flashes, dizziness and more. The difference now is I'm responsible for our son, and most of this I will need to just 'suck up' to be functional for him. I can do this though. I have the support of my husband, friends and family and I need to just take it a day at a time. Each day that passes will feel like an accomplishment, I know it.
I chatted with the IVF coordinator yesterday at length about all of the upcoming appointments I need to get out of the way before August. She said when my period starts, I need to call the clinic and schedule the SHG. (CD 5-12). At that time I will also schedule the trial transfer (I need to make sure I've ovulated by then - I will be buying a 100 or so of the LH OPK strips online, along with HCG strips again!)
She said approximately six weeks prior to transfer, I'm to call Reprotech (where our little totsicle is living) and have them ship him/her over to the clinic. The nurse will order my meds and have those shipped to the house. We'll need to retake the needle injection class again.(although I feel fairly confident except for the IM injections but Mark will do those!)
All in all the coordinator was a lovely woman to talk to, excited for us and the upcoming transfer and had a real "I'm gonna take care of you" feel to her which if anyone knows me, customer service is definitely important.
Lastly, the amount of medications made me squirm. I'll list them all below. The only one that makes my skin crawl is the antibiotics, for many reasons, so I may forgo those. I've been reading up on why IVFers are prescribed these, and I feel at a low risk for uterine infection. I'll ask the doctor about it - perhaps they can prescribe me some Yeastie Meds and then I'll take them. Still, the amount of meds is a bit consuming:
- Birth Control Pills (for 20 effen days, wtf!)
- Lupron injections
- Vivelle Transdermal Dot
- Estrace
- Doxycycline
- Medrol
- Progesterone in Oil
- Tranxene
- Prometrium