September 18, 2010

T- 11 days til transfer

Holy crying jags batman!

Yes, you heard me right. My estrogen has reached the level that makes women cry at commercials and weep over the smallest of things. Though to me they don't feel small. I've been grieving over the loss of my Beanie and finding things to rage at as well (Hi Hubby!). I've been doing a swell job of containing The Beast but the tears have definitely started.

This part kind of feels good in a way because it allows me the opportunity to sob. And I mean a good sob too. The kind where your whole body gets into it. And afterwards it's as though you've run a mental marathon. But it feels better.

And today I feel better than yesterday and tomorrow maybe better than today. All in all, things are good. I have an estrogen check and ultrasound appointment tomorrow and I am eager to see what the results are.

Last time my estrogen was 155, this time ....? Let's hope my uterine lining is getting nice and fat and juicy.