September 26, 2010

3 more days

3 more days. Whew.

Good thing too because Queen Bitch showed up over the weekend. Not pleasant. Let's move on.

The PIO shots make me tiiiiiiiiiiiiiired. Like pregnancy tired. But I was able to nap today which was like, um, incredibly rare so that was nice. Shots are still going in, so I guess they're going well, but I look forward to stopping those.

We have managed Jonah though and since he HAD to know what we were doing, he now sits on his little chair in the room while "momma gets medicines". He waits patiently and I smile to him while I lay on the bed and Mark gives me the shot. We talk about 'making brothers and sisters' and I know he has no clue what's going on, but the fact that he gets to participate in this process is awesome to me, something I don't think I'd ever thought of before.

I'm gonna try not to fill my bladder as much for transfer. I've been reading more and more about it, and there's no real data saying it improves implantation rates, it more assists the doctor to be able to put the catheter in more accurate, which is great and all, but there hasn't been much data on whether or not the u/s guidance is even needed or a just 'drop it in the womb' approach is best.

all in all, I'm not going to torture myself. This isn't labor. I don't need to 'push through the pain' for the transfer. It was traumatizing the first time around, I felt violated and I don't want to repeat that experience. I can have a full bladder, but I don't need to be in that much pain.

SO ANYWAY - 3 more days.