September 23, 2010

T - 5.5 days (Transfer Date Confirmed!!)

Wow. Less than a week.

I went into my ultrasound and blood work appointment today. As I was walking into the hospital, I saw the doctor who was about to give me the u/s crossing the parking lot. How odd I thought, this man crossing the parking lot is about to have a wand in my vag in less than 10 minutes. Yes, these thoughts do permeate my head, and yes you do get the pleasure of reading them. :-)

My estrogen came back as 967!!! From 285??? Holla!!!!!!!!!!

Dr. O said my uterine lining already passed the thickness they require (8-12 MM) and I'm at 13.5. He said it's time to pull the trigger and get this embryo home.

The nurse called and confirmed my embryo transfer is on...........

Wednesday September 29, 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And so it is. My next steps are as follows:
  • Stop the fucking Lupron. (Ok, so she didn't say that verbatim but you get it.)
  • Continue putting 4 patches of estrogen on my stomach every 48 hours
  • Begin taking Medrol
  • Continue vaginal pills of Estrace

I dread these injections in my butt and to think of a toddler running around whilst Mark trying to give me one makes me sick to my stomach. I think we may put him in the empty bathtub with some toys and run out and do the injection. The one time Mark 'wiggled' the needle while it was inside my muscle I almost fell out of the bed writhing in pain. I felt impaled. I was sure he took a sword to my ass. He did not. He 'wiggled'.

  • Transfer booked
  • Nanny booked
  • Acupuncture before and after the transfer booked

It's close. I can feel it.